Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Between Accountants and Vampires

Well it's Wednesday again and i'm very very tired. You perhaps thinks things like "An Accountant is just being all day long seating on the computer filling spaces with numbers and adding more more numbers" Well yeah it's kind of it but it's more than that too. At least on the Accountant Office where i work is just a whole new level. I'm an acountant but my co-worker Rux and i were also maids, recepcionists, secretaries, janitors and the list goes longer and longer every day. Our boss is a little bit ennoying. So i'm WAY tired also because i have to work across the city 4 hours at day. Great Fun isn't? And the pay, it is good? WRONG! so bad... i'm barely a little up from the minimun wage who i must say is nothing. I barely made it at the end of the month, sometimes i cant afford my books or even some of the ingredients so yes i'm also tired for that too.

Talking about books, i'm not sure if i said this before but a month ago "Geeky Javi" read a famous book called "Interview with the Vampire" and Loved it. The characters, the plot, everything was so beautiful. Lestat trully was my favorite character, a long haired blond, Cruel, mean Vampire who i have to pleasure to understand and even when he's not the main character on this book i must said that LEstat for me is the lead Character on that lovely book. Another Character who i fell in love was Claudia, or as i called "Claudine" (On french sounds better isn't?) a sweet child with a beautiful face and a rotten soul. The thing is that i was eager for more and decide to read the second book "The vampire Lestat" The thing is that i couldn't find it ANYWHERE, I look on every single bookstore and i couldnt find it.  Untill Yesterday when i was looking on a page called "Mercadolibre" (It's like Ebay for us Venezuelans) and i found it, it's an used book, but doesn't matter i'm going to have it. Well when i get paid because i'm a little bit broke right now.

I'm making some Research about cookies, and cupcakes... so maybe you'll see some of those thing next sunday night. And that's it.. i'm not into the mood to talk about anything else.. also im going to take a shower and just die in my bed.
Goodnight people.

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